Creating an entrepreneurial hub is an important way that local government can leverage their central role in the govtech space to bring all parties together. This can take the form of technical exchanges and entrepreneurial showcases, educational events for entrepreneurs hosted by the local government or other ecosystem partners, simple networking events between government leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors, reverse-pitch opportunities and more.
- High-impact, Medium-difficulty
- Example: BizCare in Kansas City, MO \\ Buffalo, NY’s 43 North \\ Report on building supportive ecosystems for black-owned businesses \\ ChiBizHub \\ Colmena66 in Puerto Rico
- Next Steps: Bring together some of the key local actors already in the ecosystem (local Code for America brigades, entrepreneurial meetup groups, local investors, chambers of commerce, college or university business school, established startups, etc) and collectively brainstorm what is needed and who can provide it (you can even use these strategies as a jumping off point). Organizations like Qwally and SourceLink can help.